
This is a reprint of a news article from May of 2022.

This past year, several COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response waivers were available to school nutrition programs.  These waivers allowed D-T to provide no-cost meals to all students through the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) and receive higher rates of reimbursement. As of April 19, 2022, Congress has not given the USDA authority to issue new or extended waivers for SY2022-23. 

At this time, all guidance the Nebraska Department of Education receives from the USDA indicates that we should be planning for a return to normal operations, including collecting meal applications and making eligibility determinations for Free, Reduced, and Paid-price meals.

This also means that school lunch and breakfast will not be free to families and students in the 2022-23 school year.  During the May school board meeting, the board of education approved the meal prices for next year.  They are as follows: