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Sydney Atkinson has spent a significant amount of time putting together PBIS videos and enlisting teachers to be in the videos. She has done a great job and we all really appreciate it.
Ms. Reich, Spanish Teacher

Shout-Out to Doyle Hanshaw, he is prepared with a tremendous speech folder, giving past examples to kids, coaches, schedules, parent sign-ups, it's all there!
Mr. Mogilefsky, AD

Thank you Alondra for being so helpful during PK breakfast. Your involvement has been a key to this successful transition. You jump in and problem-solve to support students and staff. This is an excellent example of how we aim to serve students in a safe environment.
Dr. Braden

Thank you for tirelessly ironing out the schedules for paraprofessionals and ensuring student needs are met. Additionally, Ms. Cecillee has supported paras in getting experiences in a variety of environments and ages
Ms. Niles

Thank you for tirelessly ironing out the schedules for paraprofessionals and ensuring student needs are met. Additionally, Ms. Hatt has supported paras in getting experiences in a variety of environments and ages
Ms. Niles

Thank you Ms. Niles for your get-after-it attitude in supporting our students with an IEP and supporting our custodial staff in completing the solutions for kids
DT Cardinal Staff

Thank you to John Killion for being on top of everything this summer. For example, when a project needed to get done, he got right after it.
Scott Sjuts

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Our Mission
Serving every student with a quality education in a safe and positive learning environment.
Our Vision
Innovate. Serve. Achieve.
Our Core Values
Integrity. Growth. Respect.
DT Cardinals
Every Student. Every Day. The Cardinal Way